Lakeshore/Pillager Huskies Clay Target League Range Rules
*Each Team Member is required to observe and comply with all range safety rules. If in doubt ask your coach. As a firearms owner/user you are fully responsible for your actions. SAFETY FIRST!!!
From the very beginning, the vision for Royal Range was to be the very best training facility of its kind in this region: an unparalleled facility capable of hosting beginners, competition shooters, and military and law enforcement agencies alike.
Working with both architects and firearm experts, we created a 5 Star, state of the art shooting range th paralleled in its cleanliness, technology, and 1 million dollar ventilation system. Everything was constructed with safety and experience in mind!
Lakeshore/Pillager Huskies Clay Target League Range Rules
- Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction. (muzzle-up cradle carry when not shooting)
- Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
- Anytime you are not on the shooting line, your shotgun must be in a provided rack with action-open and on safe. Guns are only handled when directed or moving to and from the shooting line.
- Keep your shotgun unloaded with the action open gun on safe until you are on a firing position and the trap house is clear and the squad and scorer are ready
- Keep your gun pointed downrange at all times.
- Never move from a station with a loaded gun.
- Must wear proper eye and ear protection while shooting on the trap field or near areas of Live-Fire.
- Load only one shell at a time and only when on station and ready to shoot.
- All duds or misfires should be brought to the attention of Scorer and Squad Coach immediately.
- Pick up only your empties and only after your squad’s shooting is completed or as directed by coaching staff.
- If a cease fire is called, all firearms must be immediately unloaded and made safe. Follow directions from Coach.
- Only individuals that are shooting are permitted on the trap field unless they have the permission of the Coach, Scorer, or Range Safety Officer (RSO) before the round begins.
- You are not permitted forward of the 16 yard line unless directed by your Coach.
- Only those how have been instructed in Trap House Loading Safety may load machines.
- If you see a safety violation, correct it immediately and notify a Coach.
- Never use alcohol or drugs while or before shooting. No one may handle a firearm if they have consumed any narcotic or alcohol.
- Never bring a firearm on school property, this includes in a vehicle.
- Be courteous at all times to Coaches/Coaching Assistants/ Team Members/Assistants/ and all others.
Pillager High School Clay Target Teams Safety and Etiquette
- Eye Protection – REQUIRED
- Ear Protection – REQUIRED
- Shoes/Boots – REQUIRED – No flip-flops, sandals, or open-toed shoes.
- Long hair must be secured behind the head.
- When not on the shooting line, your gun must be placed in a gun rack with the action open and the safety ON. If it is a double-barrel shotgun, the action may be closed in the rack but must be opened before you step away from the rack. Only open the action when the gun is pointed in a safe direction.
- When walking with your shotgun, keep the barrel pointed up or down, the action open, and the safety on. DO NOT rest the gun on your shoulder so that the barrel is pointing behind you. The actions of a pump or semi-auto shotgun shall be carried facing forward so everyone can see that the gun is safe.
- When you are in the shooting station, your barrel must be pointed up, down, or down range. On the line the athlete must stand in the “READY” position including:
- both feet entirely within the shooting station area.
- holding the shotgun with both hands.
- a round may be in the chamber, but the action MUST be open until the athlete’s turn to shoot.
- if shooting is halted, you must remove the shell from the chamber.
- NEVER walk around with a chambered round, even if the action is open.
- No talking on the line while the speaker throwing system is on
- Be aware of whether someone is in the trap house. The orange cone on the roof usually, but not always, indicates that someone is loading the machine. The scorer, coach, or RSO will indicate when it is safe to proceed.
- Shotgun Malfunction- Failure to fire due to a shotgun malfunction requires that the athlete calls for a “cease fire” or “stop” and properly makes the shotgun safe. Keep the gun pointed down range and call for the RSO. The RSO must examine the situation and determine if the shotgun can safely function for the remainder of the round. If the RSO deems the shotgun unusable for that round, the athlete must finish the round with another shotgun not already in use. Athletes are not allowed to hold up the round for more than three minutes during a failure to fire situation.
- Keep your shotgun clean and in good working order.

Five shots are taken at each of the five stations. After the first five shots are completed by the entire squad, the scorekeeper will announce “Change” or “Move”, and each shooter will move to a new station by:
- Verifying the gun is unloaded.
- With the chamber open and the shotgun pointed in a safe direction, rotate in a clockwise manner to the next station.
- Station one will move to station two, two to three, three to four, four to five, and five to one.
- Station five will rotate to their right moving away from the station four shooter who is moving to station five and continue to walk behind the other shooters to station one.
- Await the “START” command from the scorekeeper.
- The squad leader is the first to shoot in each round.
- Repeat process until all shooters have each shot 25 targets.
- Each athlete should begin his/her turn within five (5) seconds after the last athlete has fired at a target and the result has been recorded.
- No shooter will move to the next station until the last target in a round is completed.
Upon a “START” command from the scorekeeper, each athlete, in turn, will:
- Take proper shooting position.
- Close the action of the shotgun. An athlete may close the shotgun action only after the previous
athlete has completed his/her turn.
- Clearly call “PULL” or some other command for the target.
- Shoot at the target.
- Scorekeeper does not comment when a target is “HIT.”
- Scorekeeper will say “LOST” loudly when a target is missed.
- Discharge empty shell.
- Wait for your next turn.
- If a target is scored “HIT/DEAD”, the scorekeeper will mark the square with a diagonal slash (/)
or crossed out (X).
- If the target is scored “MISSED/LOST”, the scorekeeper will mark the square with a circle (O) and verbally announce “LOST” to the entire squad.
**” LOST” is called so the shooter can dispute a call before the next athlete shoots. **
Disputed Call
In the event of a lost target dispute:
- The athlete immediately raises an arm to notify the scorekeeper.
- All athletes must unload their shotguns and make them safe.
- The scorekeeper defers to the entire squad for majority ruling decision.
- If a majority ruling cannot be made by the squad, the lost target score will stay as-is.
- Unless there is a disputed call, no score can be changed after the next athlete in line has completed his/her shot.
A Missed Target must be declared “LOST” when:
- It is not hit during its flight.
- It is only “dusted”, and no visible piece is broken from it.
- An athlete, for no permitted reason, does not shoot at a regulation target for which the athlete has called.
- The athlete is allowed two “misfires” per round if they were not able to fire his/her firearm because he/she has not released the safety or has forgotten to load it.
Refused Target
An athlete may refuse shooting at a released target if:
- A target is not released immediately after the athlete’s call.
- The athlete is visibly disturbed by some external cause.
- The scorekeeper agrees that the target was flying along an irregular path.
- The athlete refusing a target must indicate this by opening the action on their shotgun and raising an arm.
“No Bird” Target
A scorekeeper may declare a “no bird” when:
- A broken or irregular target emerges.
- Multiple targets are thrown at once from a single thrower.
- An athlete shoots out of turn.
- Another athlete fires at the same target.
- The scorekeeper notices the athlete was visibly disturbed by some external cause.
- The scorekeeper notices athlete’s foot position is outside his/her area.
- The shot is discharged involuntarily before the athlete has called for the target.
- A target is thrown before the athlete’s call.
- A target is not released immediately after the athlete’s call.
- A target’s trajectory is irregular.
- There is an allowable malfunction of shotgun or shell.
- Any target thrown that comes out of the house that is broken or chipped will be re-thrown for score regardless if the score recorder calls “no bird”. This includes if the athlete fires and hits the broken target. Only clear and whole targets are considered legal for competition.
The scorekeeper will announce round scores to the squad after each station change.
- When the command or the signal “stop” or “cease fire” is given, shooting must stop immediately.
- All athletes must unload their shotguns and make them safe.
- The round may resume once the cease fire issue has been resolved and the “Start” command given by the scorekeeper and/or RSO (Range Safety Officer).
“Out” Or “End of Round”
Upon the completion of a round, the scorekeeper will declare “OUT” or “End of Round.” Athletes will be notified of their scores, make their shotguns safe, and carry the shotgun in the approved manner and exit the station. All athletes are responsible for collecting empty hulls used during their round and disposing them in the assigned receptacle.
- . Be Respectful of all athletes, coaches, scorers, parents, and range employees.
- Be Ready when your squad is called and when it is your turn to shoot.
- Be Still. No unnecessary talking or moving while on the line.
- Do not raise your gun until the shooter ahead of you fires.
- Do not allow ejected shells from your gun to hit or annoy other shooters.
- Time your shooting to establish a rhythm in the squad. Call “Pull” in a loud clear
- Pick up your spent shells after the round is complete. Put them in the buckets supplied.
- Carry two extra shells in your vest pocket or pouch in case of a malfunction or “No Bird.”
- When you are not on the firing line, keep your voice down when you are around
other squads which are shooting.
- When required, help fill the trap machine.
- Ask permission before handling someone else’s gun.
- Encourage other shooters and have fun!